
We have two gifts for you to choose from.

social gift social gift

A social gift is an SNS such as LINE or e-mail to a person who does not know the address or phone number.
By sharing the "receipt-only URL",
It's a new form of gift that allows you to give gifts.

You can easily send a gift without asking the other person's address, phone number, or plans to stay at home in advance.

After choosing the gift you want to give to the other party, make a payment,
Just send the issued "receipt-only URL" to the other party.
When the recipient accesses the link and enters the necessary information such as the delivery address, the gift will be delivered.

Also supports branded products. Even if you haven't decided on your child's name yet, or if it's difficult to hear, with social gifts, the other person will enter the information, so you can easily give it as a gift.
The URL can also be sent from DM on SNS such as LINE and Instagram, so it's okay if you don't know your email address!

How to use

01 Select the product you want to give from the social gift compatible products
Select the product you want to give from the social gift compatible products
02 Give the recipient the "Receipt-only URL" issued on the payment screen
Give the recipient the "Receipt-only URL" issued on the payment screen
03 The other party accesses the "receipt-only URL" and enters the delivery address, etc.
The other party accesses the "receipt-only URL" and enters the delivery address, etc.
04 The gift will be delivered to the address entered by the other party
The gift will be delivered to the address entered by the other party

gift of choice gift of choice

If you know the address of the destination,
Click here if you want to deliver it directly to your hand.
You can also choose whether or not to include gift wrapping!

gift box

gift box

We offer a gift set with a selection of recommended items.
One gift set will complete the preparations for the celebration.
(Also supports social gifts)

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Selected By You

gift box

I want to choose with consideration for the important person.
I want to adjust myself according to my budget.
Click here for those who are like that!
Organza ribbon wrapping
You can choose from 4 colors.

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